A copy of the online Help for the KMP analysis program:
Table of Contents
1. A quick tour of a pre-prepared KMP profile analysis
(in order to see the graphs that can be plotted with this
2. An overview of making a KMP profile with this program.
3. A detailed description of preparing the input files.
4. Correcting input/ typing errors during the
preparation of input files
5. A detailed description of running the analysis on the
prepared input files and of plotting the KMP graphs.
6. Printing the KMP graphs on paper.
7. Printing the output file with the KMP statistics.
8. Editing the input files in order to insert codes
manually (an advanced feature, will not be needed by
most people).
** 1. A quick tour of a pre-prepared KMP profile analysis **
Once you enter this program you will see the Main Menu:
| [ ] Tension Flow Rhythms [ ] Bipolar Shape/Flow
| [ ] Tension Flow Attributes [ ] Unipolar Shape/Flow
| [ ] Pre-Efforts [ ] Shaping in Directions
| [ ] Efforts [ ] Shaping in Planes
| ________________________________________________________
To see a pre-prepared example of a KMP analysis and the graphs
that can be produced by this program:
* click on the names of all eight diagrams (or on those you
wish to see).
* You will see a list of existing input files for demonstration.
click on the file baby.tfr, click OK.
* The program will display the KMP graphs on screen.
** 2. An overview of making a KMP profile with this program. **
In order to produce your own analyses, you need to follow the
next two steps:
(A) creating an input file for each KMP analysis
(i.e. a maximum of eight files).
(B) analyzing the input files and plotting the KMP graphs on
the screen.
The following text goes in detail through the procedure for
each of these two steps.
** 3. A detailed description of preparing the input files. **
(3.1) In the main menu, click on the analyses you would like to do
(an x will appear in bracket). For example
[x] Tension Flow Rhythms
[x] Pre-Efforts
You may choose to enter data for one KMP diagram, or more.
(3.2) click on [create input files]
You will see a new screen:
Name your file by changing myfile to the name you choose.
Press [OK].
If the file already exists, you will get the message:
<[YES] [NO]>
Click on the appropriate button.
The next screen will show the first KMP category that you chose in
step 3.1. If, for example, you chose [Tension Flow Rhythms] you will
see all the KMP elements needed for creating a rhythms file on the
screen. You will need to use the mouse to input the KMP elements for
each KMP diagram. We now explain how to create the input file for
each diagram.
| [ ] Sucking (o) [1]! [ ] Twisting (a) [1]! [ ]Running (u) [1]!
| [ ] underline [ ] underline [ ]underline
| [ ] biting (os) [1]! [ ] straining (as) [1]! [ ]Run stop(us) [1]!
| [ ] underline [ ] underline [ ]underline
| [ ]undulating (ig) [1]! [ ]Jumping (og) [1]!
| [ ]underline [ ]underline
| [ ]Swaying (igs) [1]! [ ]Leaping (ogs) [1]!
| [ ]underline [ ]underline
| ______________________________________________________________________
*For pure rhythm- click the rhythm [x] sucking, the flow change
[x]free and [Continue to next entry].
*For mixed rhythms- click all the rhythms, [x]straining [x]running,
the flow change [x]bound and [Continue to next entry].
*For underline rhythm- click the name of the underlined rhythm
[x]straining, and click the [x]underline brackets under it. Now you
will have to click all the other rhythms that are included in the
underlined rhythm.
For example:
| [x]straining [x]sucking [x]twisting
| [x]underline [ ]underline [ ]underline
Sometimes an underline rhythm includes few rhythms from the same
type. For example: _as o o o . (This notation means one underlined
straining, with three sucking rhythms inside). Near the name of each
rhythm you will find a little arrow. Press on the arrow : You will see
a line of numbers. Click the number of rhythms you need. 3 in our
example. This number will be automatically placed in the
brackets next to the rhythms name:
| [x] sucking (o) [3]! [x]straining (as) [1]!
| [ ]underline 1 [x]underline
| 2
| 3
| 4
| 5
Each time you finish an element press [CONTINUE TO NEXT ENTRY]. When
you finish creating the rhythm file press [DONE CREATING FILE]. This
will lead you to the next type of file to be created. When you
complete creating all input files chosen in the main menu, you will
return to the main menu.
| [ ]even [ ]flow adjustments [ ]High Intensity
| [ ]rebound [ ]rebound [ ]rebound
| [ ]Neutral [ ]Free [ ]Bound
| _____________________________________________________________
* Click attribute [x]even and its flow change [x]neutral.
* click few attributes [x] high intensity [x]abrupt [x]free
* Rebound to even: press [x]even
Each time you finish an element press [CONTINUE TO NEXT ENTRY].
When you finish creating the Attributes file press
You can choose to input pre-efforts and efforts together. This will
help when you have elements that have pre-efforts and efforts. For
examples an element with direct, strong and sudden. The program will
calculate the sudden to the pre-efforts diagram and the direct
strong to the efforts diagram.
| [ ]channeling [ ] flexibility [ ]gentle
| [ ]vehemence/straining
| [ ]hesitation [ ]sudden
| [ ]free [ ]bound
* Click one pre-effort,
[x] channeling [x] free [CONTINUE TO NEXT ENTRY]
* Click combination of pre-efforts (with or without Efforts)
[x] flexibility [x] hesitation
| [ ]direct [ ]indirect [ ]strong [ ]light
| [ ]accelerate [ ]decelerate
| [ ]free [ ]bound [ ]POSTURE
| ___________________________________________________________
* click one effort, [x]direct [x]bound
* click combination of efforts (with or without pre-efforts):
[x]direct [x]strong [x]accelerate [x]bound
* click [x] POSTURE when you observe one.
* click only flow changes [x]free [CONTINUE TO NEXT ENTRY]
* Click only growing or shrinking and [CONTINUE TO NEXT ENTRY]
* Click one or combinations of bipolar shape flow.
* Combine bipolar and unipolar parameters in one element. For example
[x]narrow [x]shortening up [x]shrinking. The program will add
narrow and shrinking to the bipolar diagram and shortening up
and shrinking to the unipolar diagram.
| [ ]Across [ ]sideways [ ]downward [ ]upward
| [ ]backward [ ]forward
| [ ]Enclosing [ ]spreading [ ]descending [ ]ascending
| [ ]retreating [ ]advancing
| [ ] growing [ ]shrinking [ ]posture
*Click only growing or shrinking and [CONTINUE TO NEXT ENTRY]
*Click one or more shaping elements in each action. For example:
[x]across [x]downward [x]backward [x]shrinking.
*Click combination of shaping in direction and shaping in planes
for example: [x]across [x] descending [x]retreating [x]shrinking.
The program will calculate across & shrinking to the shaping
in direction diagram and descending retreating & shrinking
to the shaping in planes diagram.
*Click the posture button when needed.
** 4. Correcting input/ typing errors during the **
** preparation of input files **
If, during the preparation of the input files you pressed
the wrong button on the screen, or missed a button,
the error may be corrected by the following procedure.
First, if [continue to next entry] was not pressed yet,
simply click again on the button that was pressed by
mistake to remove the [x] mark from it. Similarly, click
on any unclicked [ ] to add a missing [x] mark.
However, if [continue to next entry] was pressed, a line
with a code representing the pressed buttons was already
written into the input file that is being created.
This line must now be removed.
To do so:
(1) Press [done creating file].
(2) Return to the main menu.
(3) Press [Edit Files] to start the notepad application.
(4) Click on the
(5) Open the appropriate file. e.g. if the error
was in creating the TFR file with a file name RUTH, open
the file RUTH.TFR. Note that if the error was during
the creation of a pair of files,
such as EFF and PEF, both files need to be corrected.
(6) Go to the end of the file, and erase the last line.
(7) Save the file and exit the Notepad application
(8) On the KMP main menu, Press [create input files]
and specify the same file name for which the error was
made. When asked if to overwrite or to append
to the file, specify
(9) Continue inserting KMP entries into the file, starting
from the one in which the mistake was made.
- This is clearly not an easy procedure, so ---
--- dont make mistakes...
** 5. A detailed description of running the analysis on the **
** prepared input files and of plotting the KMP graphs. **
* Make sure the KMP diagrams you want to plot are marked with [x].
If not, click on them.
* click on [analyze input files] to run the analysis.
* click on the name of the file you created for analysis.
* The program will display the KMP diagrams on screen.
** 6. Printing the KMP graphs on paper **
In order to print the graphs shown on the screen by the KMP
analysis program:
Clicking [Print Diagrams] when the diagrams are displayed on screen
should result in a high quality printout of all diagrams on one page.
If this does not work for some reason, or if the printout comes out
distorted in any way, try using the [Print Screen] button. This
results in a lower quality printout, and also prints only diagrams
shown on the screen at the moment of printing. You will therefore
need to use the vertical scroll bar on the right hand side of the
diagrams in order to scroll up/down, to display the diagrams you
wish to print, and then to click [Print Screen] to print them on
** 7. Printing the output files with KMP statistics. **
The program creates an output file that contains all the KMP tables
and a list of mixed rhythms. If, when creating input file, you chose
the file name RUTH, the output file will be named RUTH.out. To open
and print the output file click [EDIT FILES] on the main menu of the
program. You will get the notepad application, which allows you to
examine and print text files such as the KMP input and output files.
In the Notepad, click on the FILE menu, choose OPEN, and open the
output file you wish to examine or print (e.g. RUTH.out). Once the
file is opened you can print it using the PRINT item on the FILE menu
in the Notepad application.
** 8. Editing the input files. **
You may wish to look at and modify the input files you created. This
is done by clicking on [edit files] in the KMP main menu, which opens
the notepad application. Using the Notepad, the KMP input files may
be opened and edited. (Modifying the input files using the notepad
is an advanced feature which will not be needed by most people).
The following text describes the abbreviations used in the input
files to denote each KMP parameter. For example, when you insert an
oral rhythm for the Tension Flow Rhythms analysis, the computer
inserts the letter o into the appropriate input file. When you want
to manually modify these files, you will need to use the computer
codes described here.
Which file contains what diagram? The file name is composed of the
name you chose for the analysis (e.g. RUTH) plus a three letter
extension given in the following table:
** (1) Tension Flow Rhythms ........... TFR **
** (2) Tension Flow Attributes ........... TFA **
** (3) Precursors of Efforts ........... PEF **
** (4) Effort ........... EFF **
** (5) Bipolar Shape Flow ........... BSF **
** (6) Unipolar Shape Flow ........... USF **
** (7) Shaping In Directions ........... SHD **
** (8) Shaping In Planes ........... SHP **
so that the file containing the tension flow rhythms codes, for
example, is RUTH.TFR.
Tension Flow Rhythms:
Type your data in the following way: each rhythm on a separate line.
o - oral, os - biting or chewing,
a - anal, as - anal aggressive,
u - urethral, us - urethral aggressive,
ig - inner genital, igs - inner genital aggressive,
og - outer genital, ogs - outer genital aggressive.
Mixed rhythms will be printed on the same line with space between
any component. (o as us).
Underline rhythm will have (_) before the rhythm. (o _as u).
List of sorted mixed rhythms can be found in file extension .out
Tension Flow Attributes:
Each action (or flow changes) on a separate line.
Type your data in the following way:
f - free, b - bound, n - neutral,
ev - even, ad - adjustment,
hi - high intensity, lo - low intensity,
ab - abrupt, gr - gradual.
for rebound attach r to the attribute:( f n rev lo gr).
Pre-Efforts/ Efforts data file:
(File may include only Pre Efforts or both Pre Efforts and Efforts.)
Type your data in the following way:
f - free, b - bound,
ch - channeling, fl - flexibility,
ve - for vehemence and straining and dont forget to add the free
or bound components!! (f ch ve) or (b fl ve),
ge - gentle,
su - sudden, he - hesitation.
Efforts data file: (File may include only Efforts or
both Pre Efforts and Efforts.).
Type your data in the following way:
f - free, b - bound, p - posture.
dir - direct, ind- indirect,
str - strong, lig - light,
acc - acceleration, dec - deceleration,
Note that Effort codes include three letters to help you distinguish
between pre-effort and efforts in combined files.
Bipolar/Unipolar shape flow (BSF/USF):
(File may include only Bipolar or both Bipolar and Unipolar.)
Type your data in the following way:
na - narrow, wi - widen,
sh - shorten, le - lengthen,
ho - hollow, bu - bulge.
If you want to note only growing and shrinking without specific
bipolar shape flow, use
g - growing, s - shrinking.
Unipolar shape flow (USF):
(File may include only USF or both BSF and USF.)
Type your data as follow:
nar - narrowing, wid - widening,
sdo - shortening down, ldo - lengthening down,
sup - shortening up, lup - lengthening up,
hfo - hollowing forward, bfo - bulging forward,
hba - hollowing back, bba - bulging back.
Note that usf codes has 3 letters to help distinguish between
bipolar shape flow and unipolar shape flow in mixed files.
Shaping in directions/ planes (SHD/SHP):
(File may include only SHD or both SHD and SHP.) File extension
needs to be .SHD.
Type your data as follow:
g - growing, s - shrinking,
ac - across, si - sideways,
do -downward, up - upward,
ba - backward, fo - forward.
Shaping in Planes (SHP) data file:
(File may include only SHP or both SHD and SHP.).
Type your data as follow:
g - growing, s - shrinking, p - posture
enc - enclosed, spr - spread,
des - descend, asc - ascend,
ret - retreat, adv - advanced,
Note that Shaping in Planes codes has 3 letters to distinguish
between Shaping in directions in mixed files.