Proof(s) of the KAM theorem:

"Math World" has a brief and interesting discussion of the KAM theorem and its history.

Kolmogorov's original article proposing the KAM idea is hopefully quite readable: Kolmogorov, A.N. "Preservation of conditionally periodic movements with small change in the Hamiltonian function". Dokl. Akad. Nauk. SSSR 98, 527 (1954). Reprinted in MacKay and Meiss 1987: "Hamiltonian dynamical systems: a reprint selection" (Adam Hilger, Bristol, 1987); you can find it here

A lecture by Poschel with the complete and detailed proof of the KAM theorem, which you can find here.

A completely different approach is given, for example, in

From: Antti Kupiainen (
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 21:31:58 GMT (33kb)

KAM Theorem and Quantum Field Theory
Authors: J.Bricmont, K.Gawedzki, A.Kupiainen
Comments: 32 pages
Subj-class: Chaotic Dynamics; Mathematical Physics
Journal-ref: Commun.Math.Phys. 201 (1999) 699-727

We give a new proof of the KAM theorem for analytic Hamiltonians. The proof is inspired by a quantum field theory formulation of the problem and is based on a renormalization group argument treating the small denominators inductively scale by scale. The crucial cancellations of resonances are shown to follow from the Ward identities expressing the translation invariance of the corresponding field theory.